Berlin fully kicked off.. Massive pops n props to all the boys Zak, Teag, Jerry, Jak,big Potts and Dill.. Also massive thanks to Rich for taking snaps and Drew for sweating balls filming and making it happen.. Loads of love to Babbette for her hospitality., shouts to Puppy.. Here's some pics I took on my phone for a warm up to the real thing...

This is what we looked like before 8 days without warm water and solar power to charge our cameras....

Isaac kickflip 150 meters left from the caravan park...

Dill boosts one 100 meters right of the caravan park..

Bit of site seeing..

The dude who invented the chair was hyped on Drawing Boards..

Potter backlips..

Rad Burgers and that..

Rip my VX100 which got stolen..

Stay tuned for a proper write up with proper photos on the "Die Rad Burger Tour".. Smashed it without electricity or warm water.. Hells yeah.. Nice one Ad..

Posted on September 19th, 2012