Draw The Line Premier

Drawing Boards Premiere of "Draw The Line" will be showing on Friday December 14th at the Sallis Benney Theatre, Grand Parade Brighton.

Parts from Jerry Wilson, Matt Hill, Liam Teague, Elliot Rowe, Jak Tonge, Isaac Miller and Dylan VD Merwe with footage filmed throughout the UK, Czech Republic, Barcelona and Berlin.

Tickets are £4 from Push Skate shop, BYC and Skaterham and Buz Bunker at some point next week.. Tickets wont be available on the night so keep em peeled..

<a href="http://s86.beta.photobucket.com/user/dj_sonny_taylor/library/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k97/dj_sonny_taylor/DTL_zps9049e33d.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"/></a></p>

Posted on October 11th, 2012