2012 is done.... So whats's cracking then?

O.k been away for a bit spending time with the family...

First up Happy New year...

So heres what's basically been cracking at....

Premier kicked off about 260 people showed up in the end and the response has been really positive.... Unfortunately Teags camera went missing so haven't really got any decent pics for ya... sooo instead.. Heres a treat of a photo from the vid..

Dyllan Vd Merwe Krook grind on the big blue bastard of Croydon.. Photo Jerry

DB Oz has been holding it down too.. With plenty of touring but will do a proper blog on that at some point...

Will Kitley kickflip out of the shade into the sun.. Photo Mason Nguyen.

Made some new hoods and Crews for winter.. Heres some for starters...

Also back by popular demand we made some more Byzo decks with a bit of wood stain thrown in for good measure..

South African pop machine Dyll now has his own page....

Massive congrats to my friends Jak and Jen who had young Arte James Tonge 2 days after the Premier..

Also to Dom and Ruth Marley on their marriage.. The Lion of Norwood has finally been tamed... I was going to put cheesy photos up of them but instead here's a Marley photo of Jak..

Jak Tonge Nose grind pop in a good few years back.. Photo Dom Marley

So to briefly sum it up last year was a really good year for us, so much went down.. Relocating, becoming a dad, Draw the Line getting finished a day before the premier (Blame Potter), Travelling to Berlin (yep we are still sitting on the photos haha), everyone pushing themselves to do stuff I never imagined, Jak coming 4th in the U.K mini Ramp champs, plenty of fresh new product, getting coverage from Sidewalk, Slam and Crossfire, Zak and Jak picking up new shoe sponsors, Long car journeys all round England, crouching in a piss ridden alleyways with a VX, getting robbed of all my money and camera, Arte Tonge, Jerry suffering 4 million broken ankles but still managing to get his part done, Elliots spectacular bump, New website, Teag getting a bed, Welcoming Dyllan to the team and him managing to film a part in about 7 months, Croydon actually getting a decent skatepark, The death of the old Level and the excitement of whats to come next, Isaac rolling 4 million ciggies, Jak filming his ender in the rain as he had no other choice... I could go on.. haha... basically it was an amazing year.. Thanks to everyone who stocked our decks, sold our tickets, supported our cause, filmed for us/took photos, gave us a place to sleep and thanks to all the people supporting what we are doing through 2012... Expect the DVD early this year and plenty more goodness.... Peace AD..

Posted on January 3rd, 2013