Draw The Line DVD Launches
Finally this bad boy is out... So we took it on a little journey to a few places..
Croydon kicked off!!!

Was good to see loads of old faces too.. Lots of love in the room... Standing on tables shouting ect... Jerrys ender made the roof nearly come off!!
Cheers to Catherine, Smay and Magoo for making it happen!!

We where all left pretty hanging next day...

Luckily Jak borrowed Dyls walking stick and we even got a bit of footage..
Then when it was back to Brighton for a Launch for the Youth at BYC...
We stopped off at everyones favourite metal mini here on the way..

BYC was for the youth... Which was cool as alot of people had been to the BIG prem.. Cheers to Darren Dartnell for making it happen..
Next day feeling mildly fresher we headed to Pompey.... Taking in Chi on route...

This quarter is steep as hell... Isaac didn't really care...
Pompey prem was in the basement of a comic book store projected onto a brick wall (Dooope!!)....

Older crowd for this one, everyone gave real good feedback on the DVD. Big Thanks to Angelo at Room 237 for making it happen.
Few more pics on the instagram of what we got up too..
Really pleased that Draw The Line out there and see people so hyped on it!! Support the cause HERE