These have been in the pipeline for a while...... Finally they have arrived!!!!

It's all well and good making people laugh, but as the missis said you have a platform use it!!!!

Explantations bellow..

Polar Bear Shell Hell

Most of us are now aware that climate change really is happening, yet somehow one of the major contributors to it managed to get the rights to explore for oil off the coast of the Arctic. This coast is truly one of the world's last wild places. It contains no roads, trails, or structures and its pristine habitat supports large populations of caribou, muskoxen, bears, wolves, dall sheep, and snow geese.

The coastal plain is the biological heart of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and is also home to thousands of migratory birds.

Drilling in or transporting offshore oil through this natural wonder would cause severe ecological damage. Development would threaten already disappearing areas for polar bears and disturb the fragile ecosystem, which also serves at least 135 bird species that gather there for breeding, nesting and migratory activities.

If that's not enough, drilling off the coast of the Arctic would also threaten the habitat of the endangered bowhead whale. Offshore drilling creates loud industrial noise, and ice flows make it difficult if not impossible to clean up oil spills. Bowhead whales cannot detect oil in the water and therefore cannot avoid contaminated areas.

Has the world officially gone crazy?

Not quite yet - it seems a glimmer of hope for the Arctic has emerged with news of Shell announcing it will halt drilling, due to a series of mishaps (Karma?).

Our precious Arctic is not another playground to be destroyed by corporate giants so please follow the link to stay aware and make sure Shell keep their hands off the Arctic for good...

Orangutans Vs Palm Oil

You as a consumer might be shocked to learn that you are playing an unwitting part in the continuing destruction of the tropical rainforest and some pretty spectacular creatures who dwell there - not just by purchasing timber and paper products, but through a wide variety of everyday items lurking in your shopping bag. Chocolate, crisps, detergents, toothpastes and shampoo may all be tainted with the damaging environmental and social impacts of palm oil.

Palm oil is a type of vegetable oil extracted from the palm fruit which grows on the African oil palm tree originating from Western Africa, but can flourish wherever heat and rainfall are abundant. Today, almost all palm oil is produced in and exported from Indonesia and Malaysia; unfortunately a vast majority of the time this is done through highly unsustainable measures.

Vast areas of pristine rainforest are slashed and burned each year in order to make way for oil palm plantations. Many orangutans and other wildlife are cruelly killed, injured and displaced in the process - all so this one vegetable oil can be used unnecessarily in our foods and cleaning products. This large-scale deforestation is pushing orangutans to extinction, along with many other vital native species of Borneo and Sumatra.

Follow the link below to see a list of products to cross off your shopping list and support alternatives to give these magnificent Great Apes a chance of survival..

RIP Western Black Rhino

Rhinos were once free to roam throughout Eurasia and Africa and were well known to early Europeans, who drew and carved them in cave paintings. Today they are rarely found outside of conservation areas.

The West African black rhino once roamed freely across most of West Africa, but by the beginning of the century you would be lucky to spot a few individuals in northern Cameroon. In fact an extensive 2006 survey failed to find any evidence of the animals and none have been found since.

Sadly, they are now classified as Extinct.

In South Africa 37 Rhinos have already been killed in the first few weeks of 2014. South Africa is home to about 80 per cent of Africa's rhinos. The South African government has revealed that a record 1004 rhinos were killed by poachers during 2013 across the country, the equivalent of nearly three animals a day. The annual poaching figure has almost doubled from the 668 rhinos lost in 2012, and brings South Africa's rhino populations closer to a critical tipping point when deaths will begin to outnumber births driving the animals into a dangerous decline.

Please follow the link below to find out what is being done to protect these remaining spectacular beasts and how you can get involved to help...

Just for the record... Our decks are made from Canadian Maple. Only prime trees are cut and replanted for future crops. Same as high grade furniture veneers!!!

Available in all good Skate Shops!!!

Posted on September 1st, 2014